Visconf was founded in 1948 in Empoli
The company was founded during the fervor of postwar period by the family Violanti, which exerted leverage on the artisanal know-how to create precious and iconic clothing items.

Short and long jackets, technical and tailored coats, crafted by skilled hands…
…and progressively, in the Fifties and Sixties, the items were shaped by an industrial organization benefitting from the area expertise and from its own production specialization.

The expressive power of materials
The volumes and colors of the Violanti line constantly recall of daily and reassuring atmospheres, which evoke the allure of a woman who has full awareness of herself and her style.
Evocative materials with an etno-chic kick
Unique, feminine and cool pieces, assembled by the Tuscan tailoring tradition and embellished with details imported directly from the Middle East.
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The search for exclusivity and identity
The harmonious contrast between the masculine coat image and the preciousness of fur details embellished with the graphic image of a star, which is the brand's distinctive sign.
Enhanced quality
from improvement
The company’s selling point remains as always its quality, boosted by improving production processes and by the employing of research materials, chosen in the leather and fur world, besides technical fabrics.
Human resources
The technology within the company’s different sectors reinforces the heritage got from the tradition.
Skilled human resources and attention to detail reinforce the DNA of Visconf's products.
The color palette represents a fundamental element of the brand. Each collection combines the range of neutrals with a synthesis of vibrant colors, inspired by nature and metropolitan scenarios.

VISCONF s.r.l.
Via 1° Maggio, 81 -
Empoli -
E-Mail info@visconf.com
Pec info@pec.visconf.com
Phone +39 0571.711822
Fax +39 0571.711648